Yes it's November already! Where has 2019 gone? As we approach the end of the year it is a time where we will be reflecting on the achievements of the club and us individually. 2019 has been a significant year for NE14 Tennis with the addition of Prestbury Tennis Club as a venue for our lessons we have grown our club which is helped more people play tennis. We're not finished though.
This quote by Nelson Mandela is a simple and effective message to inspire us all to believe in our dreams and no matter how crazy or difficult them may appear. Whatever your ambition's are with tennis, believe they are achievable. Even if that backhand just won't get over and in. Go back to your first lesson with us and remember how you played then and compare. I'm certain for many, if not all, you will have improved greatly since you started and that is down to your commitment.
Many of our players, both children and adults, compete very little. This month our challenge to you all, is to take that first step. If you're child has been attending lessons for a while enter them into a tournament this month. Yes, they will most likely lose and how they deal with losing is an extremely important life lesson not just for their tennis. At least speak to your child's coach to see what they can practice in order to compete. If you're an adult player, organise a match with someone from your group or better yet enter the local tennis league. Competition enables you to develop a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Put simply, there's no better method for testing your game than competing.